• В. М. Фоминов Donetsk national medical university named M.Gorkogo
  • Л. Г. Кварацхелия Donetsk national medical university named M.Gorkogo


Summary. The results of beam methods of diagnostics (a computer tomography and a magnetic-resonant tomography) at 440 patients with focal formations of liver, treated in clinic for last 10 years was analyzed. Among them was 290 (65,9 %) women and 150 (34,1 %) men in the age of 19–78 years. The most informative methods of diagnostics was the computer tomography and a magnetic-resonant tomography. The maximal value of the general diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound reached 83,9–88,5 %, sensitivity — 100 %, CT-parameters — 82,1 %, sensitivity — 100 %; MR-parameters — 90,4 % and 100 % accordingly. After diagnostics revealed the following types of the focal formations of liver: non-parasitic cyst — 196 (44,6 %), abscess — 79 (17,9 %), hemangioma — 64 (14,6 %), hydatid echinococcus — 63 (14,3 %), adenoma — 16 (3,7 %), nodular hyperplasia — 8 (1,8 %), hepatocellular carcinoma — 5 (1,1 %), cholangiocarcinoma — 5 (1,1 %), liver metastases — 4 (0,9 %). Computer tomography and magnetic- resonant tomography performed after expedient ultrasound.


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How to Cite
ФОМИНОВ, В. М.; КВАРАЦХЕЛИЯ, Л. Г.. POSSIBILITIES OF RADIAL DIAGNOSTICS AT FOCAL FORMATIONS OF LIVER. University Clinic, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. 49 - 52, oct. 2017. ISSN 1819-0464. Available at: <http://journal.dnmu.ru/index.php/UC/article/view/66>. Date accessed: 06 july 2024.
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