• А. В. Коноваленко SEI HPE «M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University», Donetsk


The progress of diagnostic capabilities leads to the dynamism of the concept of «sepsis». But, to this day, the need to distinguish between the manifestations of a common inflammatory reaction and sepsis actually has not lost its relevance. The problem is particularly acute in surgery, because there is no single understanding of the process, but there is the broadest pluralism of its definition. The «gold standard» for the definition of sepsis is still missing. The article presents the chronology and basic approaches to the determination of sepsis and its differentiation with the syndrome of a systemic inflammatory response. The basic foreign and native systems of signs and their evolution in the context of practical application are considered. The role of bacteriological research is shown, as well as the real possibilities of assessing a systemic inflammatory response using leukocyte indices. The possibilities of using the level and dynamics of blood procalcitonin and presepsin as a factor in the objectification of sepsis and its course are presented. An integrated approach to the diagnosis of sepsis is justified taking into account the individual characteristics, diagnostic capabilities and economic factors.


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How to Cite
КОНОВАЛЕНКО, А. В.. EVOLUTION OF DEFINITIONS AND SEPSIS DIAGNOSTICS AND SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE REACTION. University Clinic, [S.l.], n. 2(35), p. 114-121, june 2020. ISSN 1819-0464. Available at: <http://journal.dnmu.ru/index.php/UC/article/view/513>. Date accessed: 06 july 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.26435/uc.v0i2(35).513.