• И. И. Абрамец SEI HPE «M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University», Donetsk
  • Ю. В. Кузнецов SEI HPE «M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University», Donetsk
  • Д. В. Евдокимов SEI HPE «M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University», Donetsk
  • Т. О. Зайка SEI HPE «M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University», Donetsk


Depressive syndrome occurs in a number of mental, neurological and somatic illnesses. Such a wide syndrome dissemination indicates the heterogeneity of its constituent subsyndromes. Neurophysiological and neurochemical heterogeneity of illness complicates its treatment. This review covered the pathophysiological mechanisms of development of depressive disorder subsyndromes, which can be modeled in animals. This applies to decreasing the motivations that determine certain behavioral paradigms, anhedonia, increasing anxiety, sleep disturbances and appetite disorders. Literature data give evidences that the basis of these subsyndromes is the weakening of the excitatory neurotransmission and functional connections in the brain limbic structures – prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, hippocampus, etc.


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How to Cite
АБРАМЕЦ, И. И. et al. ANALYSIS OF THE NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL AND NEUROCHEMICAL MECHANISMS OF SUBSYNDROMES OF BEHAVIORAL DEPRESSIVE SYNDROME. University Clinic, [S.l.], n. 2(31), p. 66-79, june 2019. ISSN 1819-0464. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 july 2024. doi: