• Е. А. Михальченко SEI HPE «M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University», Donetsk


The cornea refers to the fibrous membrane of the eye, which is constantly exposed to environmental factors. In recent years, the attention of ophthalmologists has been attracted by the technology associated with the use of platelet-rich autoplasma (PRP) for the treatment of patients with corneal diseases. Traditional treatments for corneal ulcers include topical application of anti-inflammatory drugs containing preservatives, which can aggravate the symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the ocular surface and increase tear film instability.
The study included 129 patients with corneal ulcers. The first group of patients received traditional treatment. In the second group of patients, intrastromal administration of an antibiotic into the cornea was added to the traditional treatment. The third group of patients received complex treatment with the addition of platelet-rich plasma instillations.
The results showed that the use of platelet-rich plasma in combination with intrastromal administration of an antibiotic can increase the effectiveness of the treatment of corneal ulcers by accelerating the epithelialization time by 18.6% in relation to patients of the first group and by 11.6% in relation to patients of the second group. ... Allows to reduce the manifestations of signs of inflammation on the 10th day of treatment by 34.8% in relation to patients of the first group and by 13.9% in relation to patients of the second group. These results were combined with an increase in tear production and stability of the tear film against the background of its primary decrease, thereby preventing the development of keratopathy.


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How to Cite
МИХАЛЬЧЕНКО, Е. А.. STUDY OF THE REGULARITIES OF THE INFLUENCE OF PLATELET-RICH PLASMA IN THE COMPLEX TREATMENT OF CORNEAL ULCERS. University Clinic, [S.l.], n. 4(41), p. 59-67, dec. 2021. ISSN 1819-0464. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 july 2024. doi:
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