• А. В. Налетов ГОО ВПО «Донецкий национальный медицинский университет имени М. Горького», Донецк
  • Т. И. Шапченко КУ «Городская детская клиническая больница № 1 г. Донецка»
  • И. В. Коктышев ГОО ВПО «Донецкий национальный медицинский университет имени М. Горького», Донецк


The article presents the results of a study on the level of vitamin D in children of first year with cow's milk proteins allergy. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of using an aqueous solution of vitamin D in addition to a therapeutic elimination diet in children who are allergic to cow's milk proteins. It was found that the 57.1±4.8 % children of first year with cow's milk proteins allergy have vitamin D insufficiency. Normal vitamin D levels were found in only 36.2±4.7 % % patients. In turn, vitamin D deficiency were found in 6,7±2,4 % children. The additional intake of vitamin D on the background of the use of elimination therapeutic dairy-free diet can reduce the time of development of tolerance to cow's milk proteins and achieve tolerance for three years in 92 % of children with allergies to cow's milk proteins were found.


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Как цитировать
НАЛЕТОВ, А. В.; ШАПЧЕНКО, Т. И.; КОКТЫШЕВ, И. В.. ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ВИТАМИНА D В ЛЕЧЕНИИ ДЕТЕЙ С АЛЛЕРГИЕЙ К БЕЛКАМ КОРОВЬЕГО МОЛОКА. Университетская клиника, [S.l.], n. 3(32), p. 40-42, окт. 2019. ISSN 1819-0464. Доступно на: <http://journal.dnmu.ru/index.php/UC/article/view/340>. Дата доступа: 09 март 2025 doi: https://doi.org/10.26435/uc.v0i3(32).340.
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