• Э. Б. Яковлева
  • С. В. Чермных
  • И. В. Бабенко-Сорокопуд
  • С. Г. Демишева
  • А. А. Корж


The purpose of the lecture is to introduce the material (etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis of hypothalamic syndrome of the pubertal period, standard and alternative schemes of treatment and case follow-up of tween girls with this pathology), which can be used in carrying out cycles of internal and postgraduate training of medical students, general practitioners, obstetrics and gynecology doctors, providing specialized assistance to girls, pediatric adolescent gynecologists.
Hypothalamic syndrome of the pubertal period (GSPP) is a pathological symptom complex that occurs as a result of hypothalamic dysfunction and associated structures of the central nervous system during puberty.
Pubertal period itself is predisposing to the development of hypothalamic dysfunction, when the maturation of neurons and axons of the hypothalamus begins, the development of terminal endings of axons and neuronal processes abonization.
In the literature, there is no single view on the advisability of treating patients with this pathology. Currently, various methods of therapy for GSPP are used, including antibacterial, dehydration, vitamin therapy, sedative and resorption therapy, anticonvulsants (drugs that improve peripheral blood circulation and microcirculation), psychotherapy aimed at forming proper eating habits, menstrual function restoration. The therapy used is not always pathogenetic.


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How to Cite
ЯКОВЛЕВА, Э. Б. et al. HYPOTHALAMIC SYNDROME OF THE PUBERTAL PERIOD. University Clinic, [S.l.], n. 3(28), p. 107-112, sep. 2018. ISSN 1819-0464. Available at: <http://journal.dnmu.ru/index.php/UC/article/view/229>. Date accessed: 06 july 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.26435/uc.v0i3(28).229.